ASV Psalms

Book 1

1 – The Two Paths

2 – The Triumphant Messiah

3 – Deliver Me, O LORD!

5 – Give Ear to My Words

6 – Do Not Rebuke Me in Your Anger

7 – I Take Refuge in You

8 – How Majestic Is Your Name!

9 – I Will Give Thanks to the LORD

10 – The Perils of the Pilgrim

11 – In the LORD I Take Refuge

12 – The Godly Are No More

13 – How Long, O LORD?

14 – The Fool Says There Is No God

15 – Who May Dwell on Your Holy Mountain?

16 – The Presence of the LORD

17 – Hear My Righteous Plea

18 – The LORD Is My Rock

19 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

20 – The Day of Trouble

21 – After the Battle

22 – The Psalm of the Cross

23 – The LORD Is My Shepherd

24 – The Earth Is the LORD’s

25 – To You I Lift Up My Soul

26 – Vindicate Me, O LORD

27 – The LORD Is My Salvation

28 – The LORD Is My Strength

29 – Ascribe Glory to the LORD

30 – You Turned My Mourning into Dancing

31 – Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

32 – The Joy of Forgiveness

33 – Praise to the Creator

34 – Taste and See That the LORD Is Good

35 – Contend with My Opponents, O LORD

36 – The Transgression of the Wicked

37 – Delight Yourself in the LORD

38 – Do Not Rebuke Me in Your Anger

39 – I Will Watch My Ways

40 – I Waited Patiently for the LORD

41 – Victory over Betrayal

Book 2

42 – As the Deer Pants for the Water

43 – Send Out Your Light

44 – Redeem Us, O God

45 – My Heart Is Stirred by a Noble Theme

46 – God Is Our Refuge and Strength

47 – Clap Your Hands, All You Peoples

48 – Broken Bondage

49 – The Evanescence of Wealth

50 – The Mighty One Calls

51 – Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God

52 – Why Do You Boast of Evil?

53 – The Fool Says There Is No God

54 – Save Me by Your Name

55 – Cast Your Burden upon the LORD

56 – Be Merciful to Me, O God

57 – In You My Soul Takes Refuge

58 – God Judges the Earth

59 – Deliver Me from My Enemies

60 – Victory with God

61 – You Have Heard My Vows

62 – Waiting on God

63 – Thirsting for God

64 – The Hurtful Tongue

65 – Praise Awaits God in Zion

66 – Make a Joyful Noise

67 – May God Cause His Face to Shine upon Us

68 – God’s Enemies Are Scattered

69 – The Waters Are up to My Neck

70 – Hurry, O LORD, to Help Me! 

71 – Be My Rock of Refuge

72 – Endow the King with Your Justice

Book 3

73 – Surely God Is Good to Israel

74 – Why Have You Rejected Us Forever?

75 – God’s Righteous Judgment

76 – God’s Name Is Great in Israel

77 – In the Day of Trouble I Sought the LORD

78 – I Will Open My Mouth in Parables

79 – A Prayer for Deliverance

80 – Hear Us, O Shepherd of Israel

81 – Sing for Joy to God Our Strength

82 – God Presides in the Divine Assembly

83 – O God, Be Not Silent

84 – Better Is One Day in Your Courts

85 – You Showed Favor to Your Land

86 – Tried but Trusting

87 – The LORD Loves the Gates of Zion

88 – I Cry Out before You

89 – I Will Sing of His Love Forever

Book 4

90 – From Everlasting to Everlasting

91 – You Are My Refuge and My Fortress

92 – How Great Are Your Works!

93 – The LORD Reigns!

94 – The LORD Will Not Forget His People

95 – Do Not Harden Your Hearts

96 – Sing to the LORD, All the Earth

97 – Let the Earth Rejoice

98 – Sing to the LORD a New Song

99 – The LORD Reigns! 

100 – Make a Joyful Noise

101 – I Will Set No Worthless Thing before My Eyes

102 – The Prayer of the Afflicted

103 – Bless the LORD, O My Soul

104 – How Many Are Your Works, O LORD!

105 – Tell of His Wonders

106 – Give Thanks to the LORD, for He Is Good

Book 5

107 – Thanksgiving for Deliverance

108 – Israel’s Kingdom Blessing

109 – The Song of the Slandered

110 – God’s Faithful Messiah

111 – Majestic Is His Work

112 – The Blessed Fear of the LORD

113 – The LORD Exalts the Humble

114 – A Psalm of Exodus

115 – To Your Name Be the Glory

116 – The LORD Has Heard My Voice

117 – Extol Him, All You Peoples

118 – The LORD Is on My Side

119 – Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet

120 – In My Distress I Cried to the LORD

121 – I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills

122 – Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

123 – I Lift Up My Eyes to You

124 – Our Help Is in the Name of the LORD

125 – The LORD Surrounds His People

126 – Zion’s Captives Restored

127 – Children Are a Heritage from the LORD

128 – The Blessed Fear of the LORD

129 – The Cords of the Wicked

130 – Out of the Depths

131 – I Have Stilled My Soul

132 – The LORD Has Chosen Zion

133 – How Pleasant to Live in Harmony!

134 – Bless the LORD, All You Servants

135 – Give Praise, O Servants of the LORD

136 – His Loving Devotion Endures Forever

137 – By the Rivers of Babylon

138 – A Thankful Heart

139 – You Have Searched Me and Known Me

140 – Rescue Me from Evil Men

141 – Come Quickly to Me

142 – I Lift My Voice to the LORD

143 – I Stretch Out My Hands to You

144 – Blessed Be the LORD, My Rock

145 – I Will Exalt You, My God and King

146 – Praise the LORD, O My Soul

147 – It Is Good to Sing Praises

148 – Praise the LORD from the Heavens

149 – Sing to the LORD a New Song

150 – Let Everything That Has Breath Praise the LORD